Suse Shroyer, Vista, CA

I came to Dr. Iwona suffering classic “whiplash” symptoms of a headache, neck pain and low back pain. After only one entrainment, the pain was greatly relieved and I felt much calmer about the situation. I feel that my quality of life has improved immensely. Chronic holding patterns in my back that are decades old are gone. I am much more aware of my body posture. I not only feel better physically, but my mental outlook on the world has improved positively

I enthusiastically support NSA and recommend it to anyone who has pain or tension in the spine. I have never experienced the kind of relief I have had with NSA. I am so glad I met Dr. Iwona. She has become a blessed powerful influence in my life. Everyday I thank the forces of the universe that sent her to me.

If anyone has any hesitation about NSA, I would recommend that you give a try. All they have to lose is their pain!”

Scientific Validation of Network final Analysis (aka Network Chiropractic)

An active research program investigating various parameters of Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) also known as Network Chiropractic was initiated nearly a decade ago and will continue into the future. Early on, a commitment was made to foster the research program through major universities using the expertise of senior researchers. Subsequently, the program has developed through study at the University of California in Irvine and the University of Southern California, and is commencing at Florida Atlantic University.

Following standard protocol for the establishment of an evidence base for emerging methodologies, the program first involved publication of a descriptive paper representing the clinical approach. This was followed by a retrospective study to ascertain if anecdotal reports could be substantiated. Results of the retrospective study indicated statistically significant health and quality of life benefits reported by over 2,800 recipients of care. The outcomes of the study led to further refinement of Network Chiropractic to the levels of care now practiced in NSA. A longitudinal study investigating the benefits of care related to the refined approach has been completed and is awaiting final analysis prior to publication. However, preliminary results indicate similar benefits as reported through the retrospective study. 

An important spin-off of the retrospective study has been the establishment of a health and quality of life questionnaire that is oriented towards "well" populations as opposed to other questionnaires that focus primarily on sick populations. This questionnaire has application to all health-related disciplines, not just NSA.

While a major thrust of NSA research is to investigate its clinical impact, research into other aspects of NSA is also necessary. The unique somatopsychic wave accompanying NSA care is intriguing. Study has been undertaken to ascertain the nature of this wave phenomenon by analyzing the surface electromyographic (sEMG) signals during the different levels of care. Study has thus far revealed a high level of predictability between signals received and the different levels of care. Results indicate that as recipients progress through the NSA levels of care, the associated somatopsychic wave increases in organization. Investigation into all aspects of NSA will continue as results, both anecdotal and evidence based, suggest a wide range of implications into areas as diverse as neurophysiology, psychothearpy, systems analysis of non-linear systems, behavioral modification and bioculturalism. 

As NSA continues to be investigated in these different arenas, the models underpinning NSA will certainly be enhanced. This is expected to provide a yet deeper understanding of the expression of the innate wisdom found within all living systems.

1. Epstein, D. The Theoretical Basis and Clinical Application of Network Spinal Analysis™ (2001, Longmont, Colorado, Innate Intelligence, Inc.)

2. Bohacek, S and Jonckheere, E: Chaotic Modeling in Network Spinal Analysis™: Nonlinear Canonical Correlation with Alternating Conditional Expectation (ACE): A Preliminary Report. Journal for Vertebral Subluxation Research 1998; 2 (4) 188-195

3. Panjabi M. The stabilizing system of the spine, Part I. function, dysfunction, adaptation, and enhancement. Journal of Spinal Disorders 1992; 5(4): 383-389.

4. Epstein, D. The Theoretical Basis and Clinical Application of Network Spinal Analysis™ (2001, Longmont, Colorado, Innate Intelligence, Inc.)

5. The somatopsychic wave is a spinal wave that develops unique to Network Care, and which is associated with a reduction of spinal tension, various spinal re-organizational states and patient reports of enhanced wellness. As care progresses, this wave undergoes visible refinement which can be mathematically mapped and has been the topic of academic studies and articles.

6. Breig A. Adverse Mechanical Tension in the Central Nervous System. (1978; Stockholm, Sweden: Almqvist & Wiksell Int.; New York: John Wiley & Sons) 39-41, 45, 96, 116, 121-123, 129-130, 155

7. Holstege G. The Emotional Motor System. European Journal of Morphology 1992; 30 (1): 67-69.

8. Epstein, D, Network Spinal Analysis™: A System of Health Care Delivery Within the Subluxation-Based Chiropractic Model Journal for Vertebral Subluxation Research 1996; 1 (1) 51-59 

Network Spinal Analysis by Dr. Iwona Szpiech’s MS DC . Serving San Diego, Encinitas, Solana Beach, Carlsbad, Del Mar, Rancho Santa Fe, Oceanside. Home visits available upon request.

Take care of your body with steadfast fidelity. The soul must see through these eyes alone, and if they are dim, the whole world is clouded.
— Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe